If you want to get

FS2 is a streaming library for Scala which offers more lightweight and more “functional” alternative to Akka Streams. However, as it’s relatively young it either misses some functionality, or has it available in non-obvious way and lacks appropriate documentation. One such example is retrieving data from callback-based API which expects an interface with callbacks for next element, stream end and stream failure - like Subscriber from Reactive Streams Initiative. If your data provider actually exposes Reactive Streams - compatible API then you can use fs2-reactive-streams library. If it only follows general approach and API doesn’t implement actual Ractive Streams interfaces - you’ll have a hard time connecting fs2-reactive-streams to your data provider.

For such custom integration you most probably will want to use the Queue. Unfortunately, unlike a (Queue in Akka Streams)[https://doc.akka.io/japi/akka/current/akka/stream/scaladsl/SourceQueueWithComplete.html], it only has a method for receiving new element - no way to signal that the data stream has ended or failed. There are, however, ways to work around this issue. One solution is to use Either[Throwable, Option[A]] where A is your element type. Here is an example with some simplifications:

val queue = fs2.async
  .boundedQueue[IO, Either[Throwable, Option[String]](maxSize = 100)

someApi.getData(new SomeDataListener(
  override def onElement(element: String): Unit = {

  override def onEnd(): Unit = {

  override def onError(throwable: Throwable): Unit = {

val stream: fs2.Stream[IO, String] = queue.dequeue
  .map {
    case Left(throwable) => throw throwable
    case Right(elementOpt) => elementOpt

Thus you’ll get a stream of elements which completes as soon as the queue has Left(Throwable) or Right(None). There’s one thing to notice, however - if there’s a failure, the elements which have already been queued will continue to flow through the stream. If we want a fail fast behavior (i.e. abort the stream as soon as there’s an error) we may use a fs2.Promise together with Stream.interruptWhen. Here is another example:

val queue = fs2.async
  .boundedQueue[IO, Option[String](maxSize = 100)

val terminationPromise = fs2.async
  .promise[IO, Either[Throwable, Unit]]

someApi.getData(new SomeDataListener(
  override def onElement(element: String): Unit = {

  override def onEnd(): Unit = {

  override def onError(throwable: Throwable): Unit = {

val stream: fs2.Stream[IO, String] = queue.dequeue

Notice that interruptWhen aborts the reading side immediately upon receiving signal with terminationPromise - that’s why it can’t be used alone to signal data input termination: reading will be aborted while there are still some unread data in the queue.

In real world you would want to avoid using unsafeRunSync when creating a Queue and a Promise and use flatMap or for-comprehension, probably together with fs2.Stream.eval, to make sure that your code is lazily evaluated and referentially transparent.

UPD: After writing the article I’ve learned that unNoneTerminate does roughy the same thing as takeWhile(_.isDefined).map(_.get) and it’s the more idiomatic way to do this job.